Sunday, January 25, 2009

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things Monday

So I thought every Monday, I would post three of my favorite things that I use often, if not daily that are helpful too me, or that I just like. Maybe they can come in handy for you too. Maybe you'll just get a good laugh. You decide. Anyhoo, here goes,

This is a simple notebook that I pick up at Wal-Mart. I use it to in an attempt to keep track of what I need to do each day. The reason I don't use a pre-made calendar is because they are either to big, or not big enough. I can put this one in my pocker book,(yes, pocker), and it doesn't take up all the room. This is just the right size.Plus, it's much cheaper, and I change it out once a month and put the old one away for reference. The only thing it requires of me is to put the day & date at the top of each page. Simple enough.

Doesn't look like I've got too much going on Wednesday. Lunch anyone?
The one I buy has a front pocket, and a pocket on the back. Very convenient.

Another one of my VERY, favorite, boy does this smell HEAVENLY, things are these,

Made by Girl, you've never smelled a candle until you've smelled Close-friends.

This last thing I'm going to show you was never used for it's intended purpose. Remember, I'm usually thinking outside the box. So when I was walking down the kitchen aisle at T.J.'s and saw this, I bought it because it caught my eye, it was so beautiful
It is intended to be used to scrub vegetables, but (hold on to your chair), I use it in the summer time to scrub my dirty, (hardly ever wear shoes) feet! I've tried pummis stones, Mr. Clean white erasers, just about anything you can imagine. But nothing has worked on my summer stained feet as well as this beauty. It fits in my hand perfectly, and is almost the same size as my foot. So there you have it. You've either had a few good ideas, or a few good laughs. Either one, I'm good with. Hugs from Maine


Kathleen said...

Good Morning LIsa, it is 16 below zero here in Millinocket. BRRR. I have a bound book I write in every day. I usually record the temp, and the weather, my blood sugar (I'm diabetic) ande where my husband is (drives truck), and any significant event. But I like your idea better. I think having a book for one month is great, and I really like the pockets. Regardless I think it's a super idea. The little brush from Target....hey, we all need clean feet. I think I'll go look for one this week in Bangor. Stay warm, hugs, Kathleen

Anonymous said...

I have to scrub my feet in the summer, too, because I almost never wear shoes! I've ruined a few washcloths from the filth. Can't wait for those days again. So where do we get one of those candles?

Linda said...

Love love love those little journal books ... I always pick some up at Target, they have to be cute and colorful too, and fill 'em with my lists ... and lists of lists. I need one of them foot scrubber thingies ... perfect!

Paula said...

This is such fun to meet all of these women ...

My little sister is quite clever, extremely creative and inspirational in her years.

Touche! sis girl.

I love you.
Sis # 1

You become sisters in the spirit, separated only by miles.

You ladies should plan a meeting in the middle of the country somewhere!