This is my first (and hopefully not last), time to participate in a Mr. Linky thing. Now I've only been blogging for 2 weeks today, and I have learned much thus far. However, I don't know if I am going to do this next thing right, but I will try until I am victorious. In other words, I'm gonna get it right if it kills me. Little dramatic, huh.
The theme of todays Show and Tell Saturday is show your favorite mug. It can be used for coffee, (well yeah), tea, hot coco, etc... Just have it be your fav. This is mine right now

It's my fav for a few reasons. It's awefully cute and I like it's simplicity. It also looks so yummy when my coffee is steaming from it first thing in the a.m. I really like how it fits my hand. See,

Can you tell I bite my nails? Yeah I know, Yuck. Back to the mug. The thing I like the most about the mug is that I waited to purchase the last four at Wal-Mart until AFTER Christmas, and got them 1/2 price. YES!!! I love it when God does stuff like that. The last fav thing I love about this mug is that I have three more, and can have my friends over for coffee, and serve it to them in a great mug too.
So, head on over to (this is where I don't really know what I'm doing so it might not work, SORRY)

and check out the rest of the mugs. Darn, I can't figure this part out yet. Hugs from Maine