The first thing are theses floor wipes. They are wet and are suppose to be used on the contraption they came with.

I of course don't use them in that way because I think outside that silly box, and use them in this way,

I find its faster, easier, and it does a much better job. See how I can get my chubby little toe into the corner of the entryway where all the yuck is.

The next thing are these dusters. I have thought (each time I buy them) that they are too pricey, and I could just use a cloth like my mom did. But really, it is so much faster with these, and they do a fabulous job. Plus when the peeps dust, they can't miss when they use them. I never have to have them do it again. They just seem to get it right the first time using these.

Lastly, I love hanging clothes (especially sheets) out on the line. When I was a child, my mother always had us hang instead of using the dryer, and I'm so glad she did. When the weather permits, I always get the wash out early and this morning it was 6:45!!!! I can't wait to take them in and put them on the bed...

Blue Eyed Husband put this clothes line together for me when we moved in and I love it, and him an awful lot!
Enjoy your Monday friends.
Hugs from Maine
I do love those wet wipes as well, BUT find I need to use way too many to do my floors. I invested in one of those steam mops and I love it!! Only with my back problem it's a pain, literally, to do my floors. I need to really plan it out and think, do I have time to not only mop the floors, but swifter the dust up, then spend the next hour flat on my back in pain??? I need my peeps to learn how to mop and sweep the floor properly. They'll do it, but never get it right!!! Enjoyed your Monday posts!!!
I am green with envy of your clothes line! That is one of the things on my "wish list" for our property. How wonderful~
I found a great mop by Casabella. It has a removable microfiber and sponge mop head that you can throw in the washing machine. The mop heads are held in place by little 'teeth' on the mop. The great part about that is that if you have a really nasty mess to clean you can use the mop with rags instead of the good (and pricey) heads. The mop is available at Bed Bath and Beyond. It is outrageously expensive but worth it. I never have to use a dirty mop and nothing is going in the landfill.
Ahhhhh....clean sheets on the line!!
LOVE a clothes line, don't have one, miss the freshly dried smell from my childhood!
I love the swiffer duster. It makes dusting so easy. I must say that's quite an interesting way to clean the floor ;)
I just love hanging out at your place, I wish we were neighbors,Fresh sheets coming from the clothes line onto our bed are one of my favorite things. Don't you just love those swifters!!!
I just love love love your blog....You inspire me. Thanks for the comments...You called me somewhat Old Fashion and I Loved it! Thanks, I need to post a picture of the 2 new aprons I got, one for my birthday and the other from my bridal shower - you will love them.
Lisa, I am so glad you visited my blog! It is so great to meet a new blogging friend. I can tell already we have things in common like cleaning the floor with our feet, lol. I am looking forward to reading all your post! :) Madeline
I love the way you think, with those wet wipes! LOL I love the wet wipes but I just poke them onto my regular ol' sponge-top mop. The foot thing is such a great out-of-the-box idea tho'. ;) This is my first time at your blog. I'm enjoying it so far. You have a lovely home and looks like you have a lovely family! I pray God watches over your military son and all of you.
I live in an apartment and can't have a clothesline. But I totally agree about the hanging clothes. I have found the same enjoyment putting clothes on my laundry drying rack.
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