The only problem with that plan is, there is still snow on the ground, and not one garage door would be open willing for me to buy it's contents inside. I'm not opposed to knocking on doors. What? Those who know me well have seen me in action. Soon though. Soon... I can only dream for now.
As most of you know, I have been working on our bedroom as of late. Because I'm married to the best husband in the entire world, when asked, He said he really doesn't care if I girly it up all pretty like. WHAT!!! SERIOUSLY!!! YOU DON'T CARE!!! NO REALLY?!!!

You don't mind if it's all pinkafied, (that can't be a real word), and flowery, with frilly this and thats all around? With more white, white, and then more white, then any one man could possibly stand?
Nope, Blue Eyed Husband said.

Your not going to poke fun 6 months from now (sometimes Blue Eyes method of communitcation), and say how much you don't like it?
Well, I'm never really up there anyway except to sleep and stuff. So if it makes you happy, I really don't care what it looks like.
Yeah girls, Blue Eyed Husband is for real. And I'm grateful he's mine.

Hugs from Maine
Bring on the yard sales, garage sales, and flea markets. I have never been as ready as I am this year. When I lived near my sister (Tracey...At Home on the Ridge)we used to do exactly the same as you. Grab the newspaper, get a coffee at Dunkin, and hit the road. I miss that a lot. Have a great week-end, Lisa. Hugs, Kathleen
Girl, come on down to Texas. It is going to be in the high 70's today. Everything is blooming BUT everyone is sneezin and can't breathe!
Oh...forgot to tell you if I love your header! I finally figured out how to change my pic, but it is too big. Do you know how to make it smaller?
I am with you in the truck! Let's go! Where's the coffee! We will garage sale till they shut down then off to the thrift stores!
I guess when you look at it I am lucky too. I have one of those husbands that doesn't care how I decorate. All he want is to make me happy, good food on the table and a comfy place to sit at night!
I can't wait to see what it looks like when you are finished! You are so talented and creative my friend! I have one of those hubbies too. Our room is a beautiful shade of pink w/a cream colored trim. It's beautiful & I love it!
I have a "best husband" too!! How lucky we are that all that matters to them is how happy we are!! I too am truly grateful that I have a husband like that! I love the colors can't wait to see the finished room!!
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