I know to you, he probably looks all of 24. But when I look at him, my mothers heart still sees him at 4. Just because I'm his mom.
It's 2:43a.m., and all is very quiet here in our home. I am the only one awake, and have been since 1. I don't know how much sleep I'll get tonight, if any. But that doesn't matter. You see, it is not only 24 year olds birthday, but today at noon time, 24 year old joins the Army. Yup. The Army. Ironic Huh? Probably not.
I'm not good with it, but I'm God with it. Weeks ago (while I was once again walking the dogs),(geesh, what is it with those dogs?!), I cried out to God about this whole Army thing.
24year old + Army = one very concerned mom!!!
No matter how I tried to add it up and present this problem to God, He still came back with a different problem.
MY problem.
44 year old mom + fear = NO PEACE
God is faithful and He reminded me, in His always loving, Heavenly Father way, that I need to trust Him with 24 year old. My first born son. My sweet Ben. That know matter where our children go, near or far, God goes before them, and is ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, with them. Even when this mom wants to be, but can't...
He Is.
He Is.
44 year old mom + Trust In God = Peace In My Soul
Hugs from Maine
Lisa,, I'm a military wife and my husband goes back to Iraq on his second tour in 11 months...yes already starting the countdown. God is faithful and my husbands best companion while there..his Bible. Your son can bring one to bootcamp and make sure he does. It will keep him in touch with God and remind him he is in His care. The military has been very good to our family and my husband is in his 24th year. If you ever need to talk about it or anything..let me know.. God will be with him wrapped in His care.
It's very different to be an Army Mom than an Army Wife. I can't imagine the fear you are experiencing. But if you can get over the fear for just a few minutes, I can tell you the Army has been great to us and my hubby. Your son has chosen a very noble career! He is going to protect all that we hold dear to us and we will lift him up in prayer for God to protect this precious gift He gave to you 24 years ago. My heart goes out to you but know I will be praying for peace for you!
oh wow! I'm so proud of your family. I can understand and relate to your fears. Brian leaves in one week to go back to Iraq. I find all my peace in God also. He has also been my hubby's best companian there, too. God Bless!!!
Lisa, I read a quote somewhere that when you have a child, you choose to "forever have your heart walk outside your body." It's the hardest thing (even after 24 years!) to let go of the fears we have on behalf of our kids. I know for me, that's the area where I find it the hardest to trust God.
That said, you've got the right perspective. And your son is choosing an honorable path. And of that you can be very proud. Having been a military wife myself, I can echo the other commenters that the military can be a really good thing!
love that hymn. peace to you, sister.
I will keep you all in my prayers. He has definitely chosen an honourable path, and I'm so thankful to him and to you....hang in there! This is something I fear too with my boys some day, but God will hold 24 year old in the palm of His hand and take care of him. Just hold onto God.
Lisa, as a mom my heart aches for you. As a Christian mom, I understand the struggle of giving our kids completely over to God and His will for them. My family and I are grateful to your son and all the men and women before him that have chosen to help protect all that we in America hold sacred and all of us Christians hold close. We will commit to praying for you and your family!
My heart and soul is with you sis girl. I will pray daily for Ben's safety. You know how much I love that 'boy'!
God bless and keep you while we live and love on this earth.
sis # 1
Good morning Lisa :)
My husband is a recruiter, so if you need to know anything about well... anything, ask me and I'll ask him. He's been overseas 5 times, so he can answer questions about that too. Just let me know :)
I pray that God will give you a peace with this whole situation. Before my husband and I married he wanted to join the Marines. His mother was the biggest influence in talking him out of it and he regrets to this day that he didn't join. It's what he really wanted to do. He still talks about joining but with a wife and three kids it makes it hard.
This post made me cry, Lisa. I know that feeling. My oldest is 18 and left for Marine Corps boot camp in September. He just started his MOS school at Camp Lejeune. The first three months while he was in boot camp and couldn't even call us were so hard. It's still hard, but not quite so bad as that first three months. I try to not think too much about where he will be assigned during the rest of his four years, but rather try to focus on Who will be with him. It was such a blessing to read about another mom doing the same thing and then to read the testimony in the comments from others who have been there. I will add your Ben to my prayer list right next to Caleb.
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