Some of us are feeling more Springy then others,

Some of our attempts are still up in the air, like this mantle, and my new blog layout.(I don't think I like either)

But, what I'm learning as of late, is that there are few things that are actually written in stone so to speak. Things that are unchangeable. Things that will stay constant, no matter what we do in ourselves...
Gods love for us, His gift of salvation to all.
Our marriage vows.
Our love for our peeps.
Our loyalty to family, friends...
But that mantle and this "new" blog layout, Yeah, I can change it, and probably will soon.

Enjoy your first day of Spring. Find the time today to get outside and smell it. Feel it. Soak it in. Go for a walk around the neighborhood. Say Hi to a stranger along the way and give them a big first day of spring smile!!!
Hugs from Maine
Is tha a crown on your mantle? I think the mantle looks great. The blog layount....well, we're just used to seeing everything on the left. I have everything on the right, and I do like it. Go with your gut feeling, and have a great week-end, Lisa, Hugs, Kathleen
You have such awesome instincts that no matter what you decide to do, it's gonna look great. Glad that your heard from Ben again. Happy Spring and have a great weekend!
XO, Pam
What's wrong with the mantle?
The mantle looks great. Is that a chair sitting up there? I love it..... so unique.
Many Blessings Keep that Spring Feeling!
B.J. Brooks
I love the way you decorate!! I love your reminder to us...thanks!! Enjoy the first day of spring!!
Happy. Happy. Joy. Joy. Everything is fresh and new and I am skippin and singin. Oh...I just love how you change your header. It is so fresh and pretty.
Off to play outside for a bit.
I like the wider format...feels more spacious. Gotta do some redecorating at my place as soon as I can. NOT THIS WEEK WITH THE BLOG PARTY!
I love the mantle & the blog layout. You are so talented my friend!
Happy Spring to you!
What would we do with out the love of God, family and friends?
I will be happily working in my yard today, lovely sunshine and chirping birds.
Happy Spring Friend!
Happy, Happy Spring, dear friend!!
What a LOVELY post.... ;)
Many Blessings~ Miss Jen
I just stumbled upon your blog and I love your Spring post! That crown on your mantle is FABULOUS!!!!! Just wanted to say "Happy Spring"~may it be your most blessed ever!!!!!
I love your mantle.
What I like about your blog layout is that you're using the entire page.
Great work!
Lisa, I have to say...it's always uncomfortble for change..I think that's why I dont' change too often. I get used to something one way and don't like it another..It's like moving a clock..have you ever done that.. your always looking in the old place for the clock.. hard to get use to.. take some time and wait it out.
I just hopped over from Kimba's blog. I can't wait to look around a little more. Laurel
I like the new layout and the mantle! Leave it alone for a few days and then go back to it and look at it again and see if you like it or does it need tweeking. You'll know what it needs then!
Yes, it is spring, and isn't it amazing? I am so in the spring fever mode now. Happy spring!:)
Lisa, Thanks for the reminders, You are so good at knowing what you want, you will figure it out. I have been trying to switch my layout to a three column for 2 months and can't seem to find the right way to do it!! But i am not giving up. The great thing about blogs is it doesn't cost us a thing except time to remodel and change. fun!! FUn!!
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