Yeah, do you girls get so happy when you see comments from blog friends at the end of your posts? I am just so thrilled when all of you take time out of your busy day to talk to me through my blog. Thank you. It makes my day. Like when I hear from my sisters, and I make them laugh so hard just because I'm me, and that is funny to them. And when Goodfriend calls me each morning on her way to work. And when Girlfriend calls up and says I'll be right over we're going to Christmas Tree... Or when I go to coffee with Shannon on Saturday nights. We talk and laugh, and laugh, and laugh... Or when I get to spend time with Noella and Larry. I am so blessed to have them in my life...
Getting comments from you girls gives me the same loved on feeling. Thanks, from the bottom of my heart.

If that weren't enough, look at how God loved on me tonight...
This is what came today in the mail. I'm posting them on the wall near my computer so I can see it daily.

A hand written letter from 24 year old. Otherwise known as Benjamin.

The last line says...
I love all of you and miss you all very much. (even Mom!)
You could have offered me a million bucks instead of this letter, and I would have said "No Thank You."

Hugs from Maine
Aaaawww...what a sweet letter!! It is wonderful getting comments from everyone but there is nothing like a letter or call from a love one that is apart from you! I've had my fair share of them, what treasures they when you don't know when the next will arrive!
Have a great night!
Hugs~ T
That is so sweet. I feel the same way. Every time I hear my mail ding I run to see if it is a blog comment. Tride and true there is always a message from you. Thanks for the love and encouragement.
Oh how sweet! What a great letter! What is it they say...Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I hope you get many more such letters! And I hope he is doing well at basic training!
How sweet! See, he likes you! Hoping and praying for God's protection on his life!!!
Hey there! I love getting comments too! I makes my day!
I'll meet you at Christmas Tree, too!!! LOL!
How sweet,it's wonderful you have a letter from your son. I love getting comments also and feel that I have made many friends from blogging....Barb
Thank you for stopping by Lisa, your blog and photos are gorgeous. Yep I love to get comments and make new friends here in blog-land and as all my family are in London getting letter, texts or emails from them is kinda special just like your letter, hugs, Kathy.
I'm so excited for you!!
I haven't figured out how to respond to your comments without putting a comment on your blog. This stuff is all still so new. I just figured out how to put a title on my posts. Guess I have been a bit preoccupied. Anyway, as for decorating my home, I do love the process and I try not to stress to much about it all. I figure it is my home and if I am happy with it that is all that matters. I have to be comfortable here. Thanks so much for getting me to try the blogging thing again. I am having so much fun and have found so much inspiration from everyone. Like I didn't come up with enough projects on my own, now I have a whole new bunch of friends sharing ideas. Ok, back to the projects. :)
I know what you mean! I feel like I know all my bloggy friends even though I have never met any of them in person!
What a sweet, sweet letter!
This was BEAUTIFUL! ;)
What a precious letter!!!
Hugs & Blessings,
Miss Jen
So happy you are getting to hear from him!!! Soon you will hear from him I am sure... once they get their "free time" I remember that after he was gone a bit.... after that I would set by the phone day and night for a chance to hear from Hubby...
So happy for you and your family!!!
Just A Gal...
Oh I feel the same way about comments and feel so bad for people who post the cutest things or pics and they don't get ANY or just one. I LOVE those people and want to comment to ALLLLL of them! It breaks my HEART!
You are a faithful commenting friend and I so appreicate it. :)
YAY YAY YAY!!! for hearing from Benjamin. I'm truly so happy for you.
What a sweet letter, and I wouldn't trade one from my kids for any money, either. Such a treasure! Yes, I love comments. It makes me smile when I open my e-mail and see them there, to be approved.
Lisa, what a great post and yeah, it's wonderful to have people be so faithful to comment and take the time to stop by.. I hear ya! And I know when my husband was overseas I looked forward to his lettes and loved getting them...what a great young man to take the time to write and express his feeelings..
I agree nothing can compete with a love letter like that from your very own. When one of ours sends a letter or card my hart leaps for joy.And I do love to hear from those who stop by and visit. Thank you for sharing.
Who doesn't love comments? I most definitely like it when my sister in Germany (and sometimes my sister in China) leave me comments. It can make a day. Much like your letter probably made your month. :)
I love getting letters, phone calls and comments! So, I know how you feel!!!
I know how you feel Lisa. When I get comments on my blog, I feel like it's a big, warm, hug. You must have raised your son right, if he is sending letters home. Hugs, Kathleen
I was sooooo glad to see that you had received a handwritten letter from Ben! See you soon!
sis #2
Good to hear you received some actual communication from your soldier son. Seeing his handwriting must be comforting.
I too like it when folks comment on my blog. Makes me feel less like I am talking to myself. ;)
Sometimes I leave comments on folks blogs; sometimes I don't if I don't think I can really add something constructive to the conversation or if someone has pretty much said what I was thinking.
Lovely post! I do not expect comments but love it when I receive them! I also like to spend a couple times a week commenting on other posts. Blogging has opened up a whole new world! So glad you received those letters from your son. Glad he is doing well.
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