Look what came in the mail today. I know it is just a standard typed card with general information that everyone gets... but 24 year old wrote Dad & Mom and it is something...

Thank you Lord for even this little "word" from Ben.
Thanks for your prayers friends. This mom really appreciates them.
Hugs from Maine
I'm so happy you heard from your son....Barb
I'm so happy!!! When my hubby was in basic training, I lived for his letters! Our song then was "Walking on Sunshine" and one verse goes..."Now every time I go to the mailbox, gotta hold myself down. 'Cause I just can't wait till you write me you're coming around." So silly of me!! But I can only imagine your joy!!! May the Lord continue to hold him in the palm of HIS hand!
Thanks for visiting! My nephew just finished basic training, I know my brother and sister in law know that feeling of wanting to hear some news from them. I pray that your family is kept safe, happy and healthy. Have a good week!
I'm so glad for you! Wow! He is only about 30 minutes away from us! I will keep you all in my prayers.
So good to hear....so glad you HEARD!!
Now look what you made me do right before bed....CRY!!! OMGoodness, that is such a blessing. So, so happy for you.
You must be so happy to hear from your son. Wishing you a Happy St Patrick's Day! Hugs, Kathleen
I'm glad you hear from him. I pray God takes good care of him and keeps him safe.
Yea!!! I am so happy for you! When I saw the "mom and dad" hand written, the mommy heart in my kicked in to over drive! :o) I would be just as delighted as you and praising the Lord for a note from my son! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
Nothing is small when it's from someone you love. Glad to see you got something tangible from Ben to hold onto until you hear from him again. I'm very happy for you.
XO, Pam
So you now have your own "Engineer" in the family :) Gosh how God does bless us daily.. Have a Blessed day :)
Thanks for marking me as a favorite!!
I'm so happy that you heard from your son!! My sister is going through the same thing with her son. He is her only child and it has been really hard on her.
I like your blog and I will be back to nose around some more!!
hey...I just wanted to let you know that just in case you decide to go to Ben's graduation (I think they have those from basic), I am only 4 hours and 32 minutes away. Just in case you were wondering...you know, Missouri shares a border with Oklahoma! Oh, how I miss you friend. I so badly want you to come for a visit! I am going to start praying about it...seriously.
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