Well, I started out the day going to Wal-Mart with my Sweet Baby Girl. She needed some things and so off we went.

Don't hate me, but the flowers are fake, and I LOVE THEM!!! I know, I know, remember the fake flower rule. DON'T BUY THEM. Well I did, and I would do it again, and probably will. Please don't call Oprah.
I go by the "Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder" thing. My eye sees these as beautiful, cheap, and yeah, cheap. And I'm beholden these fake flowers someplace in my house. Just don't know where yet. Actually I do, and will show you later. (But you can bet Girlfriend is having a fit right now. Right Girlfriend.) I paid $1.50 for each large bunch on clearance!!! I know there still fake.
Few, now that I've got that out of the way, lets make our way over to the Christmas Tree Shop shall we. And look what was only $2.99! They were $4.99 last week! Can we say WOOO WEEE!

Also, this mirror is one that I've looked longingly at in magazine pictures, always hoping to find one I could afford. Well today was the day. It too was on clearance at Christmas Tree. Someone had unwrapped it and the price went from $29.00 to $10.00!!! No Girlfriend, it wasn't me. Really.

I ended up going to the doctors today. I wasn't really feeling myself. Just not right. So I figured while I was out, I might as well see if they can get me in. You know, just to check things out. And ladies... I officially have it. I know, its a bit early, but I truly have, the SPRING FEVER!!!
It's O.K. though. The doctor said I seem to have a handle on how to treat it, and there is no need for any medication or follow up. Yeah, I know how to treat it alright.
I just went to Goodwill in Augusta, and found this for .99cents. It is a book Country Doctors Wife recomended. She sent me the second book that goes along with it in a give away she had last month. I've been waiting to read it because I wanted to start with the first one. Well, my wait is ovah.

And last but of course not least, I found this vase also at the Augusta Goodwill for .99cents. I love how flowers (even fake) look in these.

Just a shot of some of the things I'm gathering to transform a very cozy room in our house.

So there you have it Girls. God has once again blessed me with many treasures, all on sale, some I've coveted for awhile. Some I can enjoy as my fever goes away.
Hugs from Maine
Oh yeah, the blue plate was a T.J.Max find last week. I have three all together. Three for $3.00each.