Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sorry For Not Posting Sooner!

Hey friends. I got a call this morning from Goodfriend. She said, "Look, You can't go so many days and not put up a post. " Sounds like Girlfriend last week right?
Well I know it's been since Saturday and no post. What's up? I've just been busy, and haven't made the time to post. But here I am, and here is an update.

See this sign, I went there on Tuesday night, (to the city counsil meeting), and they welcomed me and the new shop, and "approved" it!!! It was a really nice experience. One person in the audience said under his breath, "Boy, your really brave." I just remembered the scripture that says, "With man this is impossible, but with God, ALL things are possible." Matthew 19:26
Yeah, I'm trusting Him.

I went to Goodwill in Augusta in the afternoon with Sweet Baby Girl and found this, brand new. It would appear to be from L.L.Bean. I've already washed it and am thinking I'll keep it for our house and not put it in the shop. It's as beautiful, and clean, and cozy as it looks.

It is a sunny, windy, cold, day here in Maine. I'm sure it will warm up soon, and we'll all be complaining about how hot it is.

We've sent Benjamin his first care package this week. They really can't receive all that much beyond stamps and chapstick. He was struggling in his last letter, but I think the reality of his decision, combined with his physical, mental, and spiritual exhaustion was coming to a head. I thank God that Benjamin is very capable of meeting all expectations required of him. But mostly that God is with our son 24/7. What a comfort for my heart.

Hugs from Maine


Dawn said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to see your new shop!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thing! Wish you tons of success and can't wait to see your shop all ready for business. :) Madeline

Victoria Hayden said...

That is great!! So happy for you and your new endeavor! Your right, it is in Gods hands and I am sure it will be a sucess!! Can't wait to see more! Have a great day and hugs to you!!


B. J. Brooks said...

We missed you. Welcome back to blogging. It's slow at work and I always know I can pop in and be uplifted by your blog.

God is so Good!! Congratulations, sounds like it's all coming together as it should.

Many Blessings
B.J. Brooks

Susan @ The Good Life! said...

I am very happy for you and you are really brave!!!

life in red shoes said...

Love the aprons!
You have all the luck, the L.L. Bean comforter.
Prayers for Benjamin.
Hugs from Utah ((()))

Robynn's Ravings said...

Good to SEE you and congrats on officially starting! I'm so excited for you. Blessings! :)

Just sent my guys off for a camping trip and it's cold in California this morning. Where they are going will be in the 40's during the day and I was doing the mom fussing thing worrying about whether they'd be warm enough. Then I read your post about a chilly day in MAINE and it put it in perspective. LOL Thanks for reality check.