My mothers heart has no words to discribe the emotions I am having.
Here are the pictures.

I am only grateful for a God who knows my mothers heart, and how to help me work through everything I'm feeling. Family and friends whose love helps us through the process.

Hugs from Maine
It's been so many years that I've seen those boots lined up with all our shoes that I forget what a shock it could be to someone so new in the military. It is shocking to realizing what your son is experiencing and will continue to experience as he serves our country. I have added Ben to my prayer list and will prayer for him as I pray for my husband's safety.
I think your husband is not the only "blue eyed man" in the house. Very handsome!!!
I can only imagine how your heart is feeling right now.
So glad you had your family there with you to help celebrate the great reunion and graduates.
I will be praying for you and your family.
Have a blessed weekend!
Hugs from Texas...
YAY! I'm so glad that you have your "baby" home! he looks so different in that first picture!
I drove by your road last looked as though the entire town was there to welcome him home!
My word verification is "kinall". How fitting!
Lisa, so happy he is home safe and congratulations to him! Being a wife married to a military man, those boots lined up by the door are somehting I can relate too. He is a handsome son at that! So happy for you and looks like your family all had a great time! Thanks for sharing and thank you to your son for serving our country.
Hugs to you,
What a blessing to have your son home! I can only imagine how wonderful it is to have him there with you all. :o) I am so happy for you!
I am so happy for you , what relief this must bring .
I am ever amazed at these boys who choose to serve their country , hero's for sure , glad he is home safe ,
What a handsome boy you have .
We have lost many soldiers from this same war Canada too , they have re-named our highway here the "highway of hero's" as it is the highway our fallen solders travel home , many of us line the overpasses with flags and pay our respects , I was once on the higway when one of our boys was traveling home , it was overwhelming to say the least , these hero's touch all of our lives .
You must be so proud of your son and so thrilled to have him home, enjoy it .
Huggs '
Just Beachy
Lisa,great pics I know as a mothers heart yours is bursting with pride and joy,I pray daily for those who serve in the military.Have a wonderful and blessed day....Barb
What a BLESSING!!! =)
Please thank your son
for the great service he
is doing!!!
Love & Hugs~ Miss Jen
What a BEAUTIFUL young man - intense eyes that look full of expression. Love the photo of you two together. I pray for his safety and protection and that God will help him make a lasting impact through his sacrificial efforts. Blessings on you all.
I am happy your family can be together. Please tell you son how very grateful I am that he is protecting our country. Congrats to the graduates!
Loved this post Lisa, I so love to see family reunited, and love seeing those shoes together, kinda like they were having their own reunion. lol.
Thanks for sharing, and like Lois I will add Ben to our prayer list, we pray for our military men and women everyday.and of course his mother.
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