For some of you that don't do face book, don't start. It's addicting. Actually, it's not so bad. I have been on it for a few months now and really like it. One of my friends sent me a photo of Sweet Baby Girl, when she was Sweet Baby Girl. EVERY DAY.

It's not that I consider her anything but my Sweet Baby Girl. If you have read more than one post of this blog, you know quickly that I adore her. But she is a teenager. So the "sweet" part of Baby Girl is well... lets just say, not every day,

There are times when I wish we (my fam and I), could just go back in time. I miss those years of them all being home, playing together, home schooling together. Dancing around the house to silly music, reading, just being together...

I'm certainly not complaining. I am blessed that our peeps are still home a lot, (except Ben being in Germany), I just miss those days, A LOT!!!
Sweet Baby Girl is still precious to me. She always will be. I am so proud of who she is, and who she is becoming...

She is creative, artistic, kind hearted... She has a amazing insight with people and reads them with accuracy. She is reasonable and doesn't like girlie drama but would rather have fun with her friends.
Her smile lights up this moms heart!

She is my Sweet Baby Girl, and I love her!

Katelyn 3 days old.
Hugs from Maine