Those two magazines really fed my creative side that was already in full swing since childhood. My mom was so good at letting me do whatever I wanted or needed to do in my bedroom. I really attribute my creative side to her. Maybe she just wanted to keep me busy and out of her hair, but it worked.

Another thing that really helped me to think "outside the box" was the fact that we didn't have very much growing up. Nor did Blue Eyed Husband and I, for quite a few years into our marriage. This was such a blessing that I will always be so grateful for. I had to use my imagination, and the resources around me, not money.

I am a HUGE, HUGE, lawnsale-aholic. If there were meetings, I'd attend. "Hi I'm Lisa, and I'm a Lawnsale-Aholic" I seriously get up at 5a.m. to be out the door by 6. Just ask my friends. They can and will testify. But, we get the best stuff,have sooo much fun, and see people we know and love. I always see one of my brothers that I don't usually see as much during the winter months. Plus, we are always pleasant and polite to the homes we go to, making them glad to see us. Well, mostly. Besides, we're home by 10 cleaning and spray painting all our treasures.

My Girlfriends have heard me say already that I'm anxious for lawn sales. I also informed 18 year old that on Saturday mornings, his little Toyota is mine.
It's good on gas, and has a great back for bigger items. Besides Girlfriend has a Tom-Tom, and there is no way were getting lost this season. Right Girlfriend!

These pictures are not my own. I found them on Google Image, Country Living, and Shabby Chic. Aren't the just so purdy.
Hugs from Maine
Those photos make me want to put on a pretty, breezy summer dress and jump in and pretend I live there.
I love yard sales and digging for treasures....Barb
Makes me want to redo everything! Such cool ideas.
I like your header. I need help changing mine. Is it difficult? I can't seem to figure it out.
Lisa!! Hello! and welcome to my blog. THANK YOU for signing up to follow and for entering the contest. :)
LOVE your header, too, and your statement. I'm also a homeschooling mom getting ready to graduate my senior and send her on to college. Been at it since the beginning. Your home pic looks beautiful. Looking forward to getting to know you. I'm signing up to follow YOU!
They are wonderful!!! And I love them all...
Just A Gal...
I love thrift stores and yard sales too. The time is drawing near!
you sound like me getting up so early to hit yard sales! I don't see a point in getting up at 8 to get out the door by 9! I am anxiously awaiting the first yard sales of the season
I love all the pictures! Some people have such a knack at putting stuff together. I put something together and it usually looks like crud. But, I'm always looking, trying to get ideas.
What beautiful pictures! I can definitely see how they inspire you! I can also relate to your love for garage/yard sales; I find the better stuff at them than the thrift stores by far!
I am so glad you stopped by my blog! I love your blog~ and loved my visit today. I am a follower of your blog now! :) Have a good night!
I have to agree about finding resources and making do with what God has given you. I was a faithful reader of the Tightwad Gazette for many years so I could stay home with my kids. Kathy (my sister ) and I ..love lawn sales..we use to go together and get a coffee and enjoy.. she lives so far away it doesn't happen as much anymore.. thanks for the inspiration to spring and summer!!
Your decorating taste runs very similar to mine. It's good for me to see a real person put the stuff I like together. Country Living is my fave mag. I rip out inspiration pages all the time. I never received Country Home - good thing 'cause it sounds like I'd be really bummin' right now. Love your pics.
Thanks for the comment on my blog, BTW.
Oh how is wish these were pictures of my home! I love it and better yet to find amazing deals at yard sales is even better. The trick is putting everything together to look picture perfect! Love the pictures!
Hi Lisa....I have always been a fan of Country Living as well. AND, I, too, am a big yard sale fan. Gotta love it. I wish I lived as close as you do to TJ's. It's a 65 mile run for me. But I get there every chance I get. Love the lamp, love that you left the back un-done...you're my kind of gal! Hugs, XO Kathleen
My sister had a bunch of those magazines, and after looking at them, I love them too! It is hard to pin-point my style, because I like a little bit of everything! Keep up the good work on the blog! I'm excited to come back later :)
Oh, I love them! Thanks for the inspiring pictures. I'm going to have to frequent the local thrift stores a little more I think. When I do go there, I usually come up empty handed.
Could you come from Maine to Iowa and help me decorate? Carol
Could you jump over from Maine to Iowa and help me decorate!!!!
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