It didn't get any better on the other side either. Even Dakota was shocked. Well, she probably was in it for the old treats that had fallen in between both machines.
The thing is, with Spring Fever, also comes Spring Cleaning... Yup. Once it starts, LOOK OUT. "Put anything of value in a safe place. Hide it good because Mom's cleaning." That will be the word on the street, I mean around the house today.

There, now thats a little better.

Sometimes, I even get paid. Imagine that!

Hugs from Maine
You enjoy the spring cleaning. I am making huge project messes. So far only one trash bin project. Not bad since I have about 5 going and am trying to do laundry and bills. I don't think multi tasking is my thing.
We used to have a dog named Dakota. I miss him. Give yours an extra scratch behind the ears from me.
You are amazing! I clean under the washer/dryer on only three occasions:
1. They die and must be repaired.
2. I move (which I haven't done in 20 years.)
3. I die and CANNOT be repaired.
Hats off!!
Wow...what a thorough housekeeper you are!! You inspire me. ;)
Blessings~Miss Jen
Cleaning - the word alone makes me cringe.
I think I'll wait just a little longer to start Spring cleaning.
I didn't know we're suppose to move them and clean behind them!! Next you'll be telling me to move my refrigerator!!!
Looks nice and clean!!! I'm waiting till spring actually comes!
Now look what you've gone and done! I'm gonna have to start moving and cleaning stuff...
Thanks for the motivator!
Spring cleaning,I have been in the mood also.Guess it's the warmer weather,I would hate to see whats under my washer and dryer they haven't been moved in years (oh mercy that makes me cringe) have a great day....Barb
Amazing what you can find in your own home:) I did a little cleaning last week when I was sick,, saw some dust.. that was all it took. I was worn out , but things were cleaned!
I have not been bitten by the spring cleaning bug yet but I know I will be soon. It happens every year.
I love doing laundry when I get paid. When my brother lived with me I would get paid everytime I washed his clothes. You would think that after losing several bigger bills that he would have learned! Oh well.....
Great job! I'm with Robynn. The floor under the appliances hardly ever gets cleaned, unless one dies or the wall is being painted. Other than that, they stay in place.
But I am proud of you for going it :o) And impressed!
My mom always told us to clean behind appliances and now that I'm married and older whenever I move the stove or fridge and find something that was lost by the kids...I smile and give her a call...thanks for a great post that brought back memories
I've been doing the same thing..along with painting. I want my house clean now so when the warm weather hits I can be outside!
I love spring cleaning time. Family hates it, but I love it! Good luck!
*lol* Can I hire you to spring clean my house? he he! Great job!
I clean the exact same way!! :o) And if any money comes through the laundry, it is a tip for mom! :o)
Enjoy your cleaning!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
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