I lift up to you today Father all of the people you have put in my life through this tool, this blog. Each is so kind, loving, encouraging. Some I have known for my lifetime, and I call sister, some I'm getting to know better and I call friend. Oh Lord, please bless them all today. I pray that they feel your presence in their lives in such a real way today. Thank you Lord that you are aware of all of their needs even before they go to you in prayer. Thank you that You are more than enough for each of us Lord. I am so very grateful for each one that takes time out of their day Lord to encourage me, love on me, be friends and sisters to me...

Each so different. All beautiful and unique in Your eyes. Created with the craftsmanship of Your hands Father. I pray that today Lord, they know that they are loved by me, but most importantly Lord, by You.
In Jesus' name Amen.
Big Hugs From Maine To You!!!
"My Cup Runneth Over" - What a beautiful blog sis! Love the pics of the house! Can't wait to be back this summer and have you so close!
I love that. I do feel love and the excitement of spring popping its lovely head out! Thanks for your bright spot in my day.
WOW, I love the glass balls. ARe they yours? If so, where have you found so many pretty ones?
What a beautiful prayer! Thanks!
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