Today when I got back from picking up my Sweet Baby Girl from her friends house, instead of getting out of the car and going right in, we sat. We sat, doors wide open, warm sun streaming in. Just me and Sweet Baby Girl. One of those moments a mother hopes for.
We talked about a lot of things. Friends, boyfriends, church, and home schooling. We talked about going to see New Moon at least 3 more times, highlights in her hair, falling in love at 14, and what her 16th birthday party would look like. We talked about words and attitudes given to her recently, that have hurt.
And then we realized that people make lists. Lists of what someone must look like, be like, if they say they are a Christian and love Jesus.
Well Katie and I went through a few things. A list so to speak of our own.
- Listens to the Eagles and other "Oldies" on a daily basis. Not just Christian music.
- Goes to movies like, New Moon and Twilight. New Moon was SOOOO much better!
- Drinks a glass of wine once in awhile.
- Lets her 14 year old daughter date a wonderful youngman who is 17.
- Takes 50 mg of Zoloft everyday.
- Has been heard screaming, "I HATE YOU!!!" at her dogs as they run down the street in the other direction.
- Sometimes curses when she's angry. O.K. usually curses when shes angry.
- Says SH-T first, before correcting herself with, "I mean SHOOT!"
Yikes Huh... And that is just a quick list off the top of my head, of me. Me. And I still love Jesus. Yeah I really do. Have for 22 years and counting. And you know what is even better then me loving Him. Jesus loves me. List and all. Can you believe it !
Well my hour talk with Sweet Baby Girl in the warm car was awesome. We realized that as our lives change, as she grows up and I grow older, we both still love Jesus, and He still loves us. Even with the lists.
And Jesus, thank you. Thank you for loving us as we grow in our walk with you daily. Help us to not be quick to point out to others what we feel they should and shouldn't be doing with their lives. Help us to leave that up to You.
Hugs from Maine