Sometimes, I wonder. Do I ever really learn what God is trying to show me. Or do I keep going round and round over the same mistakes I've made before, and if I do, WHY?
I think I realized, (think I have, in the last 5 minutes), the reason why I repeat the same mistake (I'm thinking of one in particular), is because I have convinced myself that my input, knowledge, wisdom, (all bs really), is going to make a difference.
And yeah, it does. But not for the good. My input is rarely needed, often rejected and rightfully so.

Blue Eyes and I have raised wonderful, caring, thoughtful, considerate, polite people. They are hard working, love each other, and God. They all know Jesus and for this, I am eternally grateful. At a very young age, their sweet little hearts were understanding of the love of Jesus, his sacrifice for them.
So why do I butt in with all I think, wish for, and feel I can control? My conclusion, stupidity. Motherly stupidity. Our children hear from God. I know this. I've seen this. I need to learn to trust this.
Trust Him.
Trust Him.
Trust Him.
My mothers heart is so very proud of who our peeps are turning out to be. The time I have had with them in their growing up years when I was blessed with being able to stay home with them, love on them, teach them, nurture them...
Now, I must, must, must, let go some and trust God to do what I know He will faithfully do with our, I mean His peeps.
Because after all, they do belong to Him. I am only their mum. A gift I must remember not to take and run with.
Its all so very good, and my mothers heart is more grateful then I could possibly express.
Hugs from Maine
1 comment:
You are doing exactly what mothers are meant to do, watch over their chicks.
We hold tight out of fear of what might happen, what could happen, and pray that it won't.
Sounds like you are doing a great job, stop being so hard on yourself. It's worked fine this long, right?
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