What a week its been... To say I'm tired, emotionally, physically, and mentally really doesn't cover it. All I want to do is cry. I've been pushed to a limit that I've been pushed to before. I've had to make decisions that were difficult, but necessary. I've had to listen to what my gut was saying to me, family and friends were confirming, and know that it was right. I've been called names that I can hardly repeat. Never easy.
And in all of that, God was faithful. Faithful to remind me of right and wrong. Faithful to use people who love us and our peeps, to reassure me that even though it can get so hard and nasty, they are here. Always here... Helping to clear our minds when they can be filled with confusion.
Here with an ear to listen, and a heart that understands. Reminding me to not be fearful, stay strong and know that it will work its way out. It always does.
When a mother fears her childs safety, whether one is going to war, or another is in relationship that needs to end, she turns into a bear. She just wants to protect her child. It's not something she thinks about. Its something that comes instinctively. I've had to be a bear this week. A couple of times it hasn't been very pretty. And I wish I would have thought before I let my emotions take over. But, I am human, and make mistakes. I am learning that too. And quite frankly, I'm exhausted. Now I know why bears hibernate all winter.
I am grateful for the many friends and family, willing and always ready, to help us through. It has made me strong, so I can do what needs to be done. Pray for, listen too, and hold my peeps...
But seriously... wheres the cave?
Hugs from Maine