I know I've posted this picture before but, it's so me even though its not my picture.

Sweet Baby girl is growing up, and well... it can be stressful at times. Not because anything is wrong, just that she is 14 going on 25. Or so it seems. Having 3 boys before her didn't really help a whole lot. I mean, they are guys and soooo different. You know, it reminds me of the day I gave birth to her. I had Benjamin, Matthew, and Zachary, but somehow it felt like she was my first child. I know its because she was a girl and I almost didn't know WHAT to do with her. For 6 months I said to myself, shes a girl, shes a girl, shes a girl. It finally sunk in. Now Im finding myself saying the very same thing, 14 years later...

I love her more then life itself. I am very proud of who she is, the choices she is making, her genuiness and sincerity. I'm breathing some big deep breaths lately, and it helps. I'm also more importantly seeking God in this time of transition and His wisdom. Good friends and sisters are always on hand to lend a listening ear, and loving encouragement.
For this I am grateful.
Big Hugs from Maine!